Chinese affixes in Santa


Affix function number of borrowed affixes


Information and examples are from Kim (2003).


5 derivational suffixes forming denominal nouns (out of a total of 13 of such derivational suffixes in Santa)

-kai ‘agent or occupation noun’, e.g. su-kai (vinegar-nominalization) ‘vinegar seller’, nienjinzi-kai (eye_glasses-nominalization) ‘a person wearing glasses’

-tu ‘possessive adjectival nouns’, e.g. amin-tu (life-nominalization) ‘living, alive’

-sha ‘noun denoting a person having a characteristic’, e.g. taghu-sha (fat-nominalization) ‘a fat person’

-bao ‘noun denoting a person having a characteristic’, e.g. yara-bao (tumor-nominalization) ‘a person with a tumor’

-jian ‘noun denoting a person having a characteristic’, e.g. borun-jian (right_side-nominalization) ‘a right-handed person’


1 plural suffix for pronouns and kinship terms (out of a total of 2 such plural markers in Santa)

-xie, e.g. gayijio-xie(-la) ‘younger brothers’


1 passive marker

neyi- ‘passive’, e.g. bi gayi-se-ne (idun) neyi-wo ‘I was hit (one blow) by my brother’, ene kewon changbang pipin neyizhi wo ‘this boy is frequently being rebuked’.