Bora affixes in Resígaro


Affix function number of borrowed affixes


Information and examples are from Seifart (2011; 2012). The following list is extracted from Seifart’s (2011: 66–86) identification of Bora forms in Allin’s (1976: 382–458) list of about 1,590 Resígaro words, selecting those affixes that are attested with at least one native Arawakan stem. Added to this selection of forms is the augmentative marker and the dative case marker, which do not occur in the word list, but are widely attested in other parts of Allin’s (1976) work as well is in Seifart’s (2009; 2012) data. Note that Seifart (2012) provides a different, although largely overlapping, list of borrowed affixes, namely those that are attested in a given corpus of Resígaro text (Seifart 2009).


40 classifiers and gender markers (38 classifiers predominantly used with inanimates, 2 feminine gender markers) (one native form in same slot: ‑gi ‘non‑feminine’)

-ba ‘classifier.thing’, e.g. aʔmitʰoótsibá ‘belly’

-baba ‘classifier.bag’, e.g. hiiʔpabábɯ́ ‘sock’

-dʒihɯ ‘classifier.powder’, e.g. hípodʒíhɯ́ ‘powder’

-dʒiiʔo ‘classifier.broom’, e.g. híβeʔdʒiiʔó ‘(long) hair’

-gaaʔdʒó ‘classifier.raft’, e.g. aβáanagaaʔdʒó ‘raft’

-gahɯ ‘classifier.ridge’, e.g. ín̥igahɯ́ ‘eyebrow’

-gɯ ‘classifier.plank’, e.g. boeʔkʰóótsígɯ́ ‘paddle’

-ha ‘classifier.cover’, e.g. aʔmitʰoótsihɯ́ ‘kitchen’

-hi ‘classifier.disc’, e.g. epíitsíhí ‘axe’

-hɯ ‘’, e.g. okóniigihɯ́ ‘rifle’

-i ‘classifier.stick’, e.g. aβáanaí ‘stick’

-iko ‘classifier.nest’, e.g. nanáanáʔiikó ‘shoot, new growth (of a pineapple)’

-iʔikɯ ‘classifier.framework’, e.g. aápiíʔíkɯ́ ‘skeleton’

-iʔo ‘classifier.point’, e.g. henákoííʔo ‘horn’

-kaahɯ ‘classifier.swamp’, e.g. iteeβikaahɯ́ ‘place where aguaje palms grow’

-ko ‘classifier.pointed’, e.g. dʲɯííʃikó hausai palm’

-kooʔa ‘classifier.shaft’, e.g. botoʔkʰoókooʔɯ́ ‘broom’

-kɯba ‘classifier.leg’, e.g. hiiʔpákɯba ‘leg’

-mi ‘classifier.transport’, e.g. okóniigimí ‘launch, boat’

-miiʔo ‘’, e.g. an̥oógí eémámííʔo ‘tapir skin’

-paahi ‘classifier.hollow’, e.g. híβeʔpaahí ‘skull’

-pahtsi ‘classifier.hole’, e.g. henákopásí ‘earring’

-pako ‘classifier.water’, e.g. keʔβigipákó ‘brandy’

-peko ‘classifier.night’, e.g. nokótsapékó ‘the night before last’

‘classifier.round’, e.g. hímiɯ́ ‘seed’

-ɯɯʔo ‘classifier.string’, e.g. epíipíɯɯʔó ‘liana cord’

-ʔaakɯ ‘classifier.pillar’, e.g. hiímiaakɯ́ ‘pillar in house construction’

-ʔaami ‘classifier.leaf’, e.g. apánáʔaamí ‘leaf’

-ʔasi ‘classifier.patio’, e.g. híβeʔásí ‘crown (of the head)’

-ʔe ‘classifier.trunk’, e.g. áɲaahíʔé ‘cashew tree’

-ʔehɯ ‘classifier.hole’, e.g. hooniʔéhɯ́ ‘well (waterhole)’

-ʔi ‘classifier.bunch/classifier.river’, e.g. pipíipíʔí ‘bunch of Guilelma (palm) fruits’

-ʔidʒo ‘classifier.pot’, e.g. itsaaʔniʔídʒó ‘earth ware pot, pitcher, jug’

-ʔo ‘classifier.oblong’, e.g. ʃakooʔgíʔó ‘banana fruit’

-ʔoohɯ ‘classifier.cylinder’, e.g. hipon̥oótsíʔoohɯ́ ‘prison’

-ʔooβɯ ‘classifier.chunk’, e.g. keétséʔooβɯ́ ‘lantern, flashlight (torch)’

-ʔosi ‘classifier.hand’, e.g. apáʔmíʔosí ‘left hand’

-βɯɯ́dɯ ‘classifier.chunk’, e.g. aβáanaβɯɯdɯ́ ‘log’

-dʒe feminine singular’, e.g. -βanaaʔdʒé ‘sister-in-law (sister of sister-in-law or bother-in-law)’

-pidʒe feminine singular’, e.g. pʰaipídʒé ‘old woman’


6 number markers (one native form in same slot: ‑ne ‘plural for humans’)

‑mɯ plural for animates’, e.g. anadómɯ ‘macaws’

‑ʔa plural for animates in certain pronominal expressions’, e.g. faʔá ‘we (inclusive)’

‑hi plural for inanimates’, e.g. tsikíʔhɯ́hí ‘silly thing (lit. ‘empty words’)’

‑kɯ dual for inanimates’, e.g. hamáakábaakɯ́ ‘hammocks (dl.)’

‑mɯpi dual feminine’, e.g. pʰaimɯpi ‘two old women’

‑mɯsi dual animate’, e.g. anáadómɯsi ‘two macaws’


4 forms that are not interrelated with other borrowed affixes

‑a‑ belonging to’, e.g. ginomomináagi ‘white person (lit. one belonging to the white people)’

‑kobɯ augmentative’, e.g. keéʔʃékobɯ ‘big cow’

‑ke dative case’, e.g. náagi‑ké [she gave a fruit] to her brother’

‑ʔi verb marker (marking main verb when in combination with auxiliary verb kʰɯ́ ‘do’)’, e.g. kaaʃodʒáʔi kʰɯ́ ‘to like, to want’