Makrān Baluchi affixes in Brahui


Affix function number of borrowed affixes


Information and examples are from Emeneau (1962) and Andronov (1980).


1 verbal prefix

a‑ ‘present‑future and imperfect’, e.g. ī‑a kāva, underlying form ī a‑kāva (I/future‑go) ‘I shall go’ (Emeneau 1962: 56–57; Andronov 1980: 68)


2 adjectival derivational suffixes

‑tir ‘comparative’, e.g. juāntir ‘better’ (from juān ‘good’) (Andronov 1980: 45). This marker is originally Persian, but entered Brahui through Baluchi (Elfenbein 1998: 398).

‑ēn adjective formation’, e.g. pudēn ‘cold’, ‘anēn ‘sweet’, xarēn ‘bitter’, kubēn ‘heavy’ (Andronov 1980: 29)