Banjar Malay affixes in Malagasy


Affix function number of borrowed affixes


Information and examples are from Alexander Adelaar (2010). The identification of these affixes as borrowed is based on sound changes.


4 non‑interrelated affixes

vua‑ ‘passive’, e.g. vua‑helukă ‘guilty’ (compare mana‑melukă ‘to condemn O’), vuampanga ‘accused’ (compare mi‑ampanga ‘to accuse O’) (example from Adelaar and Vérin 1995: 401), vua‑suràtr‑o ‘to be written’, vua‑valì‑ko ‘answered by me’, vua‑lazà‑ku ‘said by me’ (examples from Adelaar 2012: 144)

tafa‑ ‘accomplished act (verbal aspect)’ (no example of hybrid formations available)

ra‑ ‘honorific personal prefix’ (used in nouns with human reference, including kinship terms), e.g. ra‑fuȼi ‘term of address for an old lady’ (fuȼi ‘white’) (example from Adelaar and Vérin 1995: 403–404)

ta‑ ‘ethnic or geographical group’ derivation (no example of hybrid formations available)